Already in earlier article, I have provided you a step-by-step guide in creating a new user in MySQL database. Now, this post focus on deleting MySQL database.
Step1: Click on MySQL Database.
Step2: After clicking on MySQL Database, you will find the names of all your current databases. Click on “Delete Database”, to delete the required database.
Step3: Now it will ask for permission to delete the database as shown below:
Step4: After granting the permission, you’ve successfully deleted the database.
In this way you can easily delete a database and if you face any problem then do let us know in the comments section? In the meanwhile you might be interested in reading in these articles:
Install MySQL Offline On Your PC
Configure MySQL Offline On Your PC
Checking MySQL Installation Works On PC or Not?
Repair And Optimize WordPress Database Using WordPress Hidden Feature
Optimize WordPress Database Using PHPMyAdmin
Repair WordPress Database Using PHPMyAdmin
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