Genesis WordPress Theme – most popular WordPress Theme because of its SEO features and easy to customize options. I’m using Genesis WordPress Theme on one of my blog and have to say I’m loving it as it helps me to cut down many plugins and my blog becomes plugin minimalist. Already, I have shared few tutorials on Genesis WordPress Theme and here is a quick recap:
How to Install Genesis WordPress Theme from WordPress Dashboard
How to Install Genesis Child Themes from WordPress Dashboard
Customize Genesis WordPress Theme like a Pro
How to Edit and Change Footer in Genesis WordPress Theme
All these articles help you to customize and get started with Genesis WordPress Theme easily. If you have not get your copy of Genesis WordPress Theme, then get it now:
Sign-Up Link for Genesis WordPress Theme
In this post I’m sharing how to remove default Footer Link from Genesis WordPress Theme. Here is a step-by-step guide on removing footer link.
Step1: Log-in into wp-admin panel, go to “Appearance” Tab and click on “Editor” as shown below:
Step2: When you click on “Editor” (in step1), it open a new window (shown below) and now click on “Functions.php” file.
Step3: As soon as you click on “Functions.php” (in step2), it open a new window as shown below:
Step4: Now simply add this code in “Functions.php” file.
remove_action('genesis_footer', 'genesis_do_footer');
Step5: After adding this code in “Functions.php”, click on “Update File” as shown below:
Congratulations, you have successfully removed Footer Link from Genesis WordPress Theme.
If you have not get your copy of Genesis WordPress Theme, get it now:
Sign-Up Link for Genesis WordPress Theme
If you have any query let me know in comment section and do not forget to follow on Twitter for more tutorials on Genesis WordPress Theme or you can get in touch using Free WordPress Installation Service.
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