A new version of Catalyst theme is released – Catalyst v1.5.1. This new version comes with new features & typical refinements and bug fixing. It is recommended that all users update Catalyst to latest version as soon as possible. But before updating Catalyst to latest version make sure you backup all your theme files and even though if you meesed-up with theme files, then you can easily back it up in no time.
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Below you can find the number of changelog of Catalyst Theme
Catalyst 1.5.1
- Added “Dynamik Options Control” feature giving you the ability to either display ALL the Dynamik Options, MOST of the Dynamik Options (excluding mostly Margin and Padding options) or ONLY the non-styling options (ie. Navbar Placement, EZ Structure Control, etc…)
- Added Sub-Indicator options for both Navbar 1 and Navbar 2 making it super simple to add Custom Sub-Indicator images in place of the default ‘>>’.
- Added Heading and Content Universal Font Options giving you even more Universal control over your Dynamik Fonts options.
- Added PX/EM conversion functionality in Dynamik so the Font Size values will now automatically adjust appropriately when you switch from PX to EM and back.
- Added “Editor Only” feature to the Front-end CSS Builder so you can now choose whether or not to display the full Front-end CSS Builder or just the CSS Editor.
- Added Core/Advanced and Dynamik Options Export “Name” option so you can now name your Export files.
- Changed the -webkit-text-size-adjust CSS code from “none” to “auto” so that it only effects mobile devices.
- Wrapped Core Options editable text in apply_filters( __( ”, ‘catalyst’ ) ) tags so it can be translated through localization.
- Made it so Post Formats are accounted for (if that feature is enabled) in Dynamik Child Theme Export.
- Fixed bug where the 1st, 2nd and 3rd media query custom styles were taking effect based on the Wrap Width of the last Custom Layout’s wrap width instead of the Default Wrap Width.
- Fixed bug where the Responsive Drop-down Navbars are being added to the page source when they’re enabled, even when the Dynamik Responsive Options have been de-activated in Core Options > Content.
- Fixed bug where the Responsive Options occasionally do not get loaded upon activation and therefore causes a “Save Changes” error message.
- Fixed bug where Custom Widget Areas and Hook Boxes were not displaying on WooCommerce Product pages.
All these features make this a must have theme. So, for what you are waiting for, update Catalyst to latest version as soon as possible and if you do not have your copy of Catalyst Theme, then get it right now:
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