CometCache WordPress Caching Plugin by WebSharks is updated to v170220. The plugin is available for download in the member’s area for free or you can update it from WordPress admin panel via automatic updates. The updated version comes with new features, bug fixing, and enhancement. It is recommended to all users that they must update the plugin to the latest version as soon as possible.
CometCache WordPress Caching Plugin Discount Coupon Code
By using CometCache WordPress Caching Plugin you can speed up your website in real-time and helps you to make more money. The plugin is easy to use and it brings great results in no time. Above all, there is no learning curve to use this plugin and without any technical knowledge you can set up this plugin. Below you can find out the number of changes made in the recent version of CometCache Plugin.
CometCache Plugin v170220 – What’s New?
- New Feature: Comet Cache can now be configured to automatically clear the cache for date-based archive views whenever any single post is cleared due to changes in content, title, etc. See: WordPress Dashboard → Comet Cache → Plugin Options → Automatic Cache Clearing → Auto-Clear “Date-Based Archives” Too?.
- New Pro Feature: Apache Optimizations now include a new option that allows site owners to enforce an exact hostname for all requests. See: WordPress Dashboard → Comet Cache Pro → Plugin Options → Apache Optimizations → Enforce an Exact Host Name?.
- Bug Fix: Apache detection sometimes inaccurate. So instead of using default WP core globals for server detection, Comet Cache now uses it’s own set of Apache/Nginx/IIS detection functions. And, this release enhances our Apache and Nginx detection routines; making them smart enough to catch additional edge cases; i.e., to further reduce the likelihood of there being a false-positive.
- Bug Fix: Some XML-RPC and REST API requests were being cached inadvertently.
- Bug Fix: Broken text area field due to white-space:nowrap in Firefox.
- Bug Fix: This release resolves empty directories being left in the cache folder, in some scenarios.
- Bug Fix (Pro): Some REST requests were being redirected incorrectly whenever Apache Optimizations were enabled.
- Compatibility Bug Fix: Some Jetpack API calls were being cached inadvertently.
- Enhancement: Notes in HTML source now indicate fully functional on the first load for improved clarity.
- Enhancement: Enhancing security by removing basename(__FILE__) from direct access notices.
All these changes and new features make CometCache Plugin a must-have WordPress Caching plugin. So, for what you are waiting for? Update the CometCache WordPress Caching plugin right now.
Download CometCache WordPress Plugin
If you have any queries or not able to setup this plugin, then you can contact us.
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