A new version of Avada Theme is released – Avada 2.1.1. This new version comes with new features and fixing few bugs. It is recommended to all users that they must update Avada theme to latest version as soon as possible. Before updating Avada theme to latest version make sure that you backup your WordPress website/blog its because if something goes wrong then you can easily backup your website in a single click.
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Below you can find the number of changes made in this new version:
Avada Theme V2.1.1 – What’s New?
- NEW FEATURE: all shortcodes now have link target, so links can open in new window
- NEW FEATURE: footer and header social icons have new option to open in new window
- NEW FEATURE: new translated languages, Chezh, Portuguese, French & Polish from users
- NEW FEATURE: includes updated Revolution Slider plugin
- NEW FEATURE: includes updated Layer Slider 4.0
- NEW FEATURE: includes updated Flexslider plugin
- NEW FEATURE: includes option to disable/enable PTO plugin
- NEW FEATURE: new option to show or hide HTML in excerpts for blog archive pages
- NEW FEATURE: added new theme option to control bottom margin
- NEW FEATURE: user can choose how many posts display in recent work shortcode
- NEW FEATURE: updated flickr & twitter widget
- NEW FEATURE: new theme option to enable Ubermenu compatibility
- Fixed issue of admin boxes overlapping on smaller screens
- Fixed issue of prev & next nav cycling through all posts instead of custom categories
- Featured Image on or off for blog archive and single post pages
- Slider shortcode now allows image names with “x” in them, ex: 300×200.jpg
- Menu items on two lines now have tightened up line-height
- Fix issue of textarea clearing on-click
- The company name in testimonial shortcode is now a link
- Bottom border fixed on facebook like box widget
- Adjusted position of flex slider so it aligns with dropdown
- Added safe fallback for widgets
- All video controls work in all browsers for the slider shortcode
- Videos now stop playing when advancing slides in slider
- New option to put pagination circles under video in slider so mobile nav is easier
- Separator shortcode now works on mobile as well
- Changed recent works and news shortcode to say [cat_slug=””] instead of [cat_id=””]
- Fixed small graphic glitch in safari with client slider
- Fixed issue of contact form fields emptying is a field was missed, even the reCaptcha
- Fixed minor styling issues for about author and comments on single post pages
- Fixed php notices/errors in wp-debug mode
- Fixed IE8 archive page text styling issue
- Changed contact widget so you can enter custom text for web URL
- The brand new twitter API is now being used, please see
- When image rollovers are disabled, all images link properly
- Fixed “get rid of comments” issue displaying when comments are disabled
- Fixed all blog medium issues
- Fixed recent news issue of empty rows when using more than one row
- Several IE8, IE9, IE10 styling issues
- Fixed issue of using “general” category name for FAQ’s
- Post meta option “show or hide” works for archive, single and category pages
- Image links on mobile open the post instead of image URL
- Removed twitthis service and use twitter instead
- Fixed missing translations
- Removed images from showing in recent news excerpt
- Fallback image now works with elastic slider
- Removed white caption bar on elastic slider for mobile devices
- Adjust responsive height for elastic slider
- Soundcloud audio is now responsive on mobile
- Fixed issue of using more than 8 tabs
- Fixed issue of using slider widget in footer
- Fixed issue of lightbox on ipad not covering full width, and corner alignment
- Fixed responsiveness of themefusion slider
- Fixed some issues in header.php file and conflict with jQuery
- Updated various descriptions in theme options
- Fixed issue of sublayers not linking correctly on Rev Slider
- Fixed antispam bee plugin conflict
- Fixed issue of notification messages messing with theme options panel display
- Fixed issue of some users who had duplicated blog posts
- Fixed contact form private issue
- Adjusted position of meta bar when a small amount of text is used
- Category sidebar widget now displays the count properly
- Fixed google map translating issue
- Fixed sidebar issue when setting front page as post page
- Full compatibility for WPML plugin and added Avada to list of compatible sites
- Included a function that fixes sidebar position if post content has invalid content
- Fixed issue of embed code disappearing when clicked on
- Other minor styling changes
- Fix for new version of Firefox so it plays videos in 1-column view
- Adjusted styling of a few widgets
- Added a few more retina graphics
- Fixed google map issue with zip codes
- Several other minor bug fixes and adjustments
So, for what you are thinking off? Update Avada theme to latest version as soon as possible and if you do not have your copy of Avada Theme then you can get it from here:
Avada Multi-Purpose Theme V2.1.1
If you have any query let me know via comments and do not forget to check out Free Blog Setup Service which comes with lots of unlimited & amazing features.
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