Few days back a new version of Clipper WordPress Theme is released by AppThemes. This new version is a maintenance and minor release of new feature & it is recommended to upgrade Clipper to new version as soon as possible.
Clipper WordPress Theme From AppThemes
You can upgrade Clipper to new version automatically from WordPress admin area or you can download Clipper from members area and install it manually using FTP client. But before upgrading clipper to latest version make sure you backup all your files, so that if you mess up with any of your theme files you can easily back it up.
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Below you can see the run down of the features added, bug fixed and number of changes made to this new version.
- Added ‘mb_strtoupper’ compatibility check
- Categories page counter was not including coupons from child categories
- Added missed options to choose Profile and Dashboard page
- Facebook logout url in some cases was invalid
- Counter on homepage was not count unreliable coupons
- Duplicate pages was created on theme re-activation if using custom slugs
- Image uploader in Clipper Settings pages does not work correctly
- Counter on Clipper dashboard was not count unreliable coupons
- Default WordPress template was displayed while reseting password
- Added Tradedoubler links compatibility
- Added TinyMCE editor for coupon submission form
- Replaced and restyled featured slider
- Renamed ‘clpr_action_importer_args’ filter to ‘clpr_csv_importer_args’
- Added compatibility with WangGuard plugin
- Optimized hidden stores feature
- Added edit coupon link for users
- Added option to reset votes of individual coupon
- Optimized header and footer menu
- Removed popular stores from search bar
- Changed logo of Clipper
- “Share Coupon” button was changed to widget
- Revised “Get Coupons by Email” widget
- Added expiration date to coupon item on listing pages
- Added store thumbnail to each coupon item
- Vote box and badge has been combined
- “Share Coupon” page was added to default menu
So, for what you are waiting for, update Clipper to latest version as soon as possible.
If you have any query let me know via comments and do not forget to check out Free WordPress Installation Service which comes with lots of unlimited and amazing features.
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