A new version of the Formidable Pro plugin is released – Formidable Pro V1.06.09. The new version comes with adding new features and fixing a few bugs. It is recommended that you must update the Formidable Pro plugin to the latest version as soon as possible. Before updating Formidable Pro plugin to the latest version make sure that you backup your WordPress website so that if something goes wrong then you can easily backup your website/blog in a single click.
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Below you can find the complete changelog of a new version of Formidable Pro Plugin
Formidable V1.06.09 – What’s New?
- DROPPED PHP4 SUPPORT. Do not update if you run PHP4.
- Added AJAX form submit
- Dropped Open Flash Chart support due to security vulnerabilities
- Added the “create template” link into the free version
- Added quotes around the menu position number to minimize menu position conflicts with other plugins
- Moved all stripslashes to the point the data is retrieved from the database
- Switched the field options bulk edit to use the admin-ajax URL to minimize plugin conflicts
- Changed all occurrences of .live() to .on() for jQuery 1.9 compatibility
- Added multiple options to dropdown fields
- Added unique error message into global and field settings
- Added option to limit by ranges in the frm-stats shortcode. Ex: [frm-stats id=50 ‘-1 month'<45<‘-3 days’]
- Automatically strip JavaScript before displaying entries through a custom display
- Added striphtml=1 and keepjs=1 options for use in custom displays
- Added option to get the field description with [125 show=”description”]
- Added separate value column on the entries page
- Added link to delete entry only and leave a post
- Added box for custom CSS in the styling settings
- Added buttons to insert default HTML or plain text for those who wish to modify the default message without starting from scratch
- Added link to uploaded files in the entry edit form
- Added “like” and “not like” options to the conditional logic for hiding and showing fields
- Switched section headings to use h3 tags by default instead of h2
- Migrated “Allow Only One Entry for Each” fields to the unique checkbox on each field
- Allow for multiple uses of frm-entry-update-field for the same field and entry
- Allow external shortcodes in the email recipients box
- Allow the frm-search shortcode to be used in text widgets
- Switched conditional fields to show and hide instead of fadeIn and fadeOut
- Switched rich text fields to default to TinyMCE
- Correctly send emails to [admin_email], and allow the same email address to receive multiple notifications from the same form
- Filter shortcodes in success message when the form is limited to one entry per user and editable
- Correctly show the taxonomy name even if it is not linked to a post
- Fixed read-only option to work with dropdown fields
- Fixed post password setting
- Fixed post content replacement when entry is updated instead of only on creation
- Fixed frm-stats shortcode to allow field keys when using the value option
- Fixed custom displays getting used if they are in the trash
- Fixed custom display pages to not include the unfiltered post content when there are no entries to display
- Fixed the bulk delete option showing for users without permission to delete in the bulk actions dropdown on the admin entry listing page
- Fixed the delete link in entry edit links shortcode to prevent it from going to a blank form when using the page_id param
- Fixed calendar to show the correct number of extra boxes when not starting on Sunday
- Fixed repeated, inline conditional logic in custom displays
- Fixed option to copy forms to other sites in multi-site installs, so they will no longer be copied when the box is unchecked
- Fixed admin-only fields to not validate for users who can’t see the field
So, for what you are thinking of? Update Formidable Pro Plugin to the latest version as soon as possible and if you do not have your copy of Formidable Pro plugin then you can get it from here:
Formidable Pro Plugin V1.06.09
If you have any query let me know via comments and do not forget to check out Free Blog Setup Service which comes with lots of unlimited & amazing features.
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