A new version of JobRoller theme is released – jobRoller V1.7. The new version comes with fixing few errors and changes. It is recommended to all users that they must update jobRoller theme to latest version as soon as possible. Before updating JobRoller theme to latest version make sure that you backup your WordPress site/blog so that if something goes wrong then you can easily backup your website/blog in a single click.
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Below you can find the number of changes made in this new version:
JobRoller V1.7 – What’s New?
The new version of JobRoller theme comes with AppThemes Payments API and Custom Forms. The Payments API is a full featured framework that can be extended with new gateways and options like, coupons. It also consolidates all the pricing data and options on it’s own admin menu and adds a new payment option: bank transfer. Custom Forms, allow site owners to create any number of custom fields (input, option, checkbox, etc.) for each job category, to be displayed for employers on the job submit form. Any values inserted will then be available on the single job page, including file downloads. Below you can find the number of changes made in this new version:
- Some custom tables being concatenated with $wpdb->prefix instead of using $wpdb->table_name
- No email notifications sent to buyer after purchasing a resume subscription
- Banner alignment when using the default theme
- No background color on field labels and form steps
- Missing translations on the backend
- Duplicate key name database warnings
- Browse/view resumes visibility better integrated with the backend role visibility options
- Searches by keyword+location defaulting to OR instead of AND
- Re-listed job does not follow the expiry period on ‘Default Expiration Days’
- BACKENDAdded AppThemes custom forms to the job submit form:
- Custom forms are created on the backend and assigned to single or multiple job categories
- Custom form fields are displayed when job listers select the related job category
- Custom fields values are displayed on the job page
- Replaced old pricing structure, including job packs and resumes pricing with AppThemes payments framework. This means unlimited pricing plans for single pricing, job packs or resumes subscriptions. All orders and plans are now managed on a new payments menu
- Payments framework features
- Adds Bank Transfer as a new payment option, besides PayPal
- Compatible with any AppThemes gateway available on the marketplace (2Checkout, Authorize.NET, Google Wallet, Stripe, etc)
- Compatible with AppThemes Coupons, available on the marketplace
- Allow tax charge
- Multiple currencies
- Detailed Orders listing filterable by status
- Create infinite Job Plans with usage limit for one or multiple job categories
- Create infinite Resumes Plans (subscriptions) with usage limit and trial option
- Included pricing addons. These are purchase options that can be included Free on Job plans:
- Feature Addon (feature jobs on homepage and listings, feature job in category). Can be limited to duration or usage
- Resumes Addon (browse resumes, view resumes). Can be limited to duration or usage
- Separate pricing addons. These are additional optional purchase options that can have a price and duration. Available addons:
- Feature Addon (feature jobs on homepage and listings, feature job in category)
- Resumes Addon (browse resumes, view resumes)
- Select plan type: Single, Pack
- Additional editable duration on the backend job page: job duration, and featured addons duration
- Adds an intermediate step on the job submit form for the job Plan selection ‘Select Plan’
- JobRoller dashboard now uses AppThemes framework and displays more information
- Added two additional panels to Resumes backend with Education/Experience (uses TinyMCE) and custom fields: salary, email, telephone, mobile
- Added Google mini map location sidebar to the Resumes backend (similar to backend job page)
- Better backend options organization and grouping
- Uses meta data to assign featured jobs instead of ‘Featured’ category (note: you should delete the ‘Featured’ category after upgrading)
- Removed obsolete menu pages (moved to the new payments menu): Pricing, Job Packs and Orders
- Removed obsolete Tabs (managed internally): Pages
- New template page ‘Terms & Conditions’ automatically added to WordPress Pages
- Additional security options to display reCaptcha on contact forms (including the resumes contact form) and ‘Apply Online’ form
- New backend options
- JobRoller > Settings > Jobs (Job Options) > Charge for Job Listings
- JobRoller > Settings > Jobs (Job Listings) > Regular Jobs per Page (replaces the default WordPress ‘Blog pages show at most’ under Settings > Reading)
- JobRoller > Settings > Jobs (Job Listings) > Featured Jobs per Page
- JobRoller > Settings > Jobs (Job Listings) > Featured Jobs Sort Method
- JobRoller > Settings > Resumes (Job Seeker Options) > Enable Recruiters Registration
- JobRoller > Settings > Security (ReCaptcha) > Enable on Registration Form
- JobRoller > Settings > Security (ReCaptcha) > Enable on Contact Forms
- JobRoller > Settings > Security (ReCaptcha) > Enable on Apply Online Form
- Replaced old ‘Start/End Subscription’, ‘Start/End Trial’ with single ‘Manage Subscriptions’ on the backend Subscriptions list, that links to the user profile
- New actions available for admins on each user profile: Reset Usage (resets plan usage to 0 for plans with usage limit so customers can select the plan again until the usage is reached again)
- Jobs submitted on the backend are now included on the job alerts
- Added ‘Expired’ status to expired jobs. Replaces the old ‘private’ status. Jobs can be filtered on the backend by the new ‘Expired’ status
- Additional ‘Expire Date’ column on the backend job listings.
- Additional columns on the Resumes backend listings: ‘Job Types’, ‘Job Categories’, ‘Job Specialties’, ‘Spoken Languages’ and ‘Location’
- Use single sprite for JobRoller and Jobs menu icon. Job menu icon was replaced with opened briefcase
- Updated CSS classes to native WP classes on backend buttons
- New selectable user Role: Recruiter. By default, Recruiters can submit jobs and browse/view resumes (if resumes subscriptions are disabled), while Employers (job listers) can only submit jobs
- New orders Tab on the users dashboard with information on every user order. Filterable by order status
- Page auto scroll down on errors when applying to jobs
- Members are now redirected to their dashboard instead of the home page, after logging in
- Added pagination to each Tab on the users dashboard
- Allow changing password on user profile when password is disabled on registration
- Job recommendations do not require a keyword anymore. Job Seekers can set their job preferences and get dashboard recommendations by filling only the job type
- Better CSS styling for the ‘Buy Packs’ widget
- Ping notifications on published jobs (backend/frontend). Update services (WordPress > Settings > Writing) are not exclusive to posts anymore
- Updated Google geocoding API to v.3
- Updated Google CDN jQuery version to 1.8.3
- Unified email subject on all automatic email notifications to ‘[Site Name] Subject’ (i.e: [My JobRoller Site] New Job Submitted )
- Secured values from $_GET with WP esc_attr() for additional security
- Use WP function wp_remote_get() instead of file_get_contents() for remote URL’s
- Removed ‘jobroller-no-admin.pot’ file (recommended plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-native-dashboard/)
- Renamed ‘admin-style.css’ to ‘admin.css’
- Added GNU license to ‘styles.css’ header
So, for what you are thinking off? Update JobRoller theme to latest version as soon as possible and if you do not have your copy of JobRoller theme then you can get it from here:
JobRoller V1.7 – WordPress Job Board WordPress Theme
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