A new version of Formidable Pro is released – Formidable Pro v1.6.4. This new version comes with new features & few bugs have been fixed. It is recommended that you must update Formidable Pro to the latest version as soon as possible. Before updating Formidable Pro to the latest version, make sure that you backup all your files, even though if you messed up with anything then you can easily back it up in no time.
BackupBuddy – WordPress Backup And Restore Plugin
This new version removes conflict the way forms are processed and it speeds up redirection after form submission & removes the intermediate page before redirection. Below you can find the complete changelog of this new version:
What’s New in Formidable Pro?
- Moved form processing to avoid multiple submissions when some plugins are activated and remove the page before redirection
- Added custom display content box into “create posts” settings tab
- Added options to auto-create fields for post status and post categories/taxonomies
- Added link to de-authorize a site to use your Pro credentials and hide pro credentials settings form when a pro is active
- Added meta box on posts with a link to automatically create a form entry linked to the post
- Allow searching by user login when selecting a user ID field to search by on the admin entries page
- Added basic CSV importing support for data from entries fields
- Added an index.php file into the uploads/formidable folder to prevent file browsing for those without an htaccess file
- Allow field IDs as dynamic default values ie [25]. This will ONLY work when the value has just been posted.
- Allow for unlimited GET parameter setting in the custom display shortcode. [ display-frm-data id=2 whatever=value whatever2=value2]
- Switched phone field to HTML5 “tel” input type
- Added three icons to the error icon setting
- Added cookie expiration option
- Added a frm_cookie_expiration hook to change the cookie expiration time
- Show image for data from entries fields using upload fields
- Added frm_used_dates hook for blocked out dates in unique datepickers
- Added frm_redirect_url hook
- Added the display object into the args array to pass to the frm_where_filter hook
- Updated the auto_id default value to continue functioning correctly even if there are non-numeric values in entries
- Updated calculations and conditional logic to work across multi-paged forms and allow for negative numbers in calculations
- Fixed access to form, entry, and display pages for WordPress versions < 3.1
- Corrected Arkansas abbreviation in templates and bulk edit options
- Fixed default checkbox or radio field values for fields with separate option values
- Fixed display of radio field values from fields with separate values
- Fixed forms submit button labels for forms in add entry mode that follow a form in edit mode on the same page
- Fixed redirect URL to correctly replace shortcodes for forms set to not save any entries
- Fixed regular dropdown field taxonomies to trigger conditional logic and use the auto width option
- Fixed CSV import for delimiters other than a comma
- Fixed duplicate deletion messages when using [ deletelink] in the form customizable HTML
- Removed BuddyPress filters from the email notifications to avoid forcing them to send from noreply@domain.com
- Allow blank required indicator and “to email” in forms
So, what you are waiting for? Update Formidable Pro to the latest version and if you do not have a copy of Formidable Pro, then you can get it from here:
Formidable Pro v 1.6.4 – WordPress Contact Form Plugin
If you have any query let me know via comments & do not forget to check out Free WordPress Installation Service which comes with lots of unlimited & amazing features.
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