Gravity Forms released a new version of Signature Add-On – Gravity Forms Signature Add-On v1.1. It is recommended that you must update this add-on as soon as possible as it a maintenance release. Before you update Gravity Forms Signature Add-On v1.1 to latest version backup all your files, even though if you messed up with anything you can easily back it up in no time.
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In this new version, now you can manage existing signatures when editing a form entry. Remember this Add-On comes with only Developer License accounts and if you do not have Gravity Forms Developer License, then get one right now:
Sign-Up Link for Gravity Forms Developer License
Below you can the number of changes have been made in this newer version.
What’s new in Gravity Forms Signature Add-On v1.1:
- Updated edit entry functionality to support previewing, downloading and deleting signature from lead.
- Fixed issue with custom validation message not getting displayed.
- Fixed issue with signature URL not being created correctly when resending notifications.
- Fixed conflict with IE8.
- Fixed issues when signing on IE9.
- Fixed issue where editing entry resulted in removal of signature from lead.
So, for what you are waiting for update Gravity Forms Signature Add-On v1.1 right now and if you do not your copy of Gravity Forms Signature Add-On v1.1, then get one right now:
Gravity Forms Signature Add-On v1.1
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