New version of WordPress Shopping Cart plugin is released – WordPress Shopping Cart v1.7 and it is available for download in members area or you can update it from WordPress admin panel. It comes with adding new features and fixing errors and it is recommended to all users that they must update WordPress Shopping Cart plugin to latest version as soon as possible. Before updating WordPress Shopping Card plugin to latest version make sure that you backup your files and database so that if something goes wrong then you can easily backup your files & database in a single click.
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Below you can find the number of changes made in the new version:
WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin – v1.7 – What’s New?
- WordPress Dashboard widget with chart and overview.
- Export only ticked/checked orders.
- PayPal Payments Advanced (extension).
- reCAPTCHA for “New Customer” registration during checkout.
- Regional shipping by country/state combinations.
- Chart/graph date range and Years/Months/Days report.
- Auto approve setting per supplier.
- Virtual Merchant setting to capture card details on the site directly.
- PayPal Pro Auth and Capture settings.
- “Delete Product” link on the Save a Product page.
- Sortable columns in all admin sections.
- Add a handling/surcharge fee setting.
- US Military addresses.
- Currency or percentage setting per regional shipping rate.
- Negative (-) prices for product variations and options.
- New user notification for supplier login account.
- Speed and performance improvements all round.
- Improvements to the product copy/duplicate feature.
- New WordPress 3.5+ metabox structure.
- Transparent graph/chart while loading data instead of white.
- TinyMCE editor on product additional content/descriptions.
- Support for spaces in image filenames while importing products.
- Overwrite product images when importing.
- Change “Tax & Shipping” to “Calculations” tab.
- PayPal HTTP 1.1 Update for IPN.
- Replace msDropDown with ddSlick for drop down menu variations.
- Remove Checkout > Product Content section from menu.
- Remove Checkout > Product Images section from menu.
- New links under Checkout > Support & Help section.
- Changed all deprecated admin-functions.php includes.
- Child themes support for the “checkout” child theme folder.
- “Paid in Full” field on invoice was faulty.
- Calculating… issue on products in the loop.
- Category shortcode not showing products in some cases.
- Discount coupon dropped upon checkout.
- Products lose order when a category is saved.
- Checkout > Configuration section right-hand sidebar doesn’t show in Firefox.
- Currency symbol after the price setting not working.
- Product page additional content tabs not working in Firefox.
- Ajax empty cart from widget doesn’t add more products afterwards.
- “Remove this option” on Save a Product screen not working.
- Custom CSS ineffective due to a PHP warning at the top.
- Delete coupon “No active order can be found” error message.
- Export orders CSV shipped, paid, completed, etc columns incorrect.
- Price tiers showing zero (0.00) in shopping cart.
- Virtual Merchant ssl_country error due to country length of string.
- Space below TinyMCE editor and other metaboxes disappeared.
- Keywords remain on product after emptying the keywords field and saving.
- Product variations bulk action results in out of stock on the product.
- Realex Payments REDIRECT return URL change.
All these features and regular updates make WordPress Shopping Cart a must have plugin while creating ecommerce website. So, for what you are waiting for? Update WordPress Shopping Card Plugin to latest version as soon as possible and if you do not have WordPress Shopping Cart Plugin, then you can get it from here:
WordPress Shopping Card Plugin V1.7
If you have any query let me know via comments!
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