DiyThemes has launched the latest version of Thesis Theme and now it is upgraded to version 2.2.4 – Thesis 2.2.4. The upgraded version of Thesis is compatible with WordPress 4.7 and it comes with fixing issues like meta fields were not appearing on terms.php pages (Categories, Tags, and Taxonomies). It is recommended to all users that they must update the Thesis Theme to the latest version as soon as possible.
The Thesis 2.2.4 is primarily a compatibility update and the updated version refines various Thesis API components. The WordPress 4.6 update knocked out the Thesis functionality for extended category/tag/taxonomy SEO + content, as well as the ability to select custom templates for the pages. This functionality has been restored in Thesis 2.2.4.
Below you can find the number of changes made in the Thesis 2.2.4.
Thesis 2.2.4 Changelog – What’s New?
- WordPress Admin: Fixed issue where Thesis-based meta fields were not appearing on terms.php pages (Categories, Tags, and Taxonomies)
- Thesis Admin: Now defaults to native system fonts
- System Status: Added lists of installed Skins and Boxes
- Box Class Model: Refined rotator() method to work properly in PHP7+ environments
- Skin Color API: Fixed improper hue calculation in the hsl_complement() method
- Skin Typography API: Added cpl() method that calculates an approximate CPL value based on font size, content width, and the font being used
- Skin Typography API: Moved environment check beneath basic calculations to allow for easier testing
- Skin Typography API: Added new filters with a basic naming convention (thesis_skin_typography_cpl, thesis_skin_typography_mu, and thesis_skin_typography_get_fonts_anyway)
- Google Fonts API: Made font list inclusion dependent upon the presence of a $name parameter
- Google Fonts API: Added an add_styles parameter to extend already-supported fonts
- Skin Schema API: Added a No Schema option; Schema can now be turned off at the Post Box level
- SCSS parser: Added modern value units like vw, vh, vmin, vmax, and ms
- SCSS parser: Added floating-point number handling to px declarations
All these changes and regular updates make Thesis a must-have theme for creating a stunning website in no time. So, for what you are waiting for? Update the Thesis Theme to the latest theme as soon as possible. If you do not own a Thesis Theme, then you can purchase it by clicking the link below:
Sign-Up link Thesis Theme
If you have any query let me know via comments!
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