This is a guest post written by Joel Newman. If you would like to write for WebGuide4U, check out guest posting guidelines here.
jQuery has gained recent popularity due to its open source, free JavaScript library. jQuery is advanced, powerful, and easy to use and works best when combined with jQuery plugins. These plugins are used by a number of designers and programmers to enhance the design and animation of a website. The plugins can also be used for creating customized web apps for better visitor interaction.
Without further ado, here are the top 25 jQuery WordPress plugins to consider for your blog:
01. Carousel Gallery
Will allow you to browse through all pictures in a gallery, seamlessly sliding from right to left.
02. Easing Slider
Enables unlimited photo sliders with their own unique settings.
03. FancyBox
Will display images when clicked on without needing to reload the page.
04. Lightbox for Native Galleries
Uses a lightbox script to display full-size images in native WordPress galleries.
An Ajax powered modal contact form utilizing the jQuery JavaScript library.
06. Colorbox
Adds colorbox images to a blog, which can be grouped by page or post.
07. Tweet Blender
Will support multiple users, lists, keywords, and hashtags; can also show tweets for a specific topic based on a keyword or Twitter hashtag.
08. Polaroid Gallery
Can overlay images like Polaroid pictures on a post or page using WordPress Media Library.
Can add customized smile emoticons to a comment box.
Will add a new menu to a WordPress blog for a customized user interface.
Can create a rotating sidebar image on a blog.
12. WP Slimbox2
Will create a slide out image with a sophisticated overlay.
13. Comment Preview
Offers a live comment preview without page reboot necessary.
Enables Google Analytics tracking on any WordPress blog.
Enables users to log into their own WordPress account with an Open ID; allows commenters to leave comments using the same feature.
Provides a quick and simple language translation for a blog.
17. Infinite Scroll
Will draw content from the next blog page and add it to the user’s current page so that a blog visitor never has to click on “Next Page”.
Creates an impressive drop shadow on all posted blog images.
19. Live Blogroll
Will show recent posts for each link in a Blogroll.
20. Snazzy Archives
Will feature all posts in a unique compilation on a blog archive page.
21. Advanced Spoiler
Can show or hide text and image content using animated effects with a spoiler tag.
Uses blog post images as a background for the blog menu.
23. Quick Search
Will search through blog results by page, posts, and comments.
Will highlight search terms in search results from Google, Yahoo, or Lycos search engines.
25. Post Preview
Enables the blogger to see a live blog post preview without using the WordPress visual editor.
Joel Newman is a freelance writer with expertise in technology. For information on top registry cleaners to speed up you PC, you can visit Joel Newman’s Registry Cleaner website.
Tony says
Very cool round-up. thanks
I also created a plug-in which offers some pretty cool jquery awesomeness, check it out at
Thanks Again!
Vivek Parmar says
@Tony: glad you like it. Thanks for sharing this plugin with all readers of WebGuide4U.