A new version of WP Auctions plugin is released – WP Auctions Plugin V4.5 and you can download it from members area or update it from WordPress admin panel. WP Auctions Plugin V4.5 comes with new features and fixing few bugs. It is recommended that you must update WP Auctions Plugin to latest version as soon as possible. Before updating WP Auctions Plugin to latest version make sure that you backup your files & database, its because if something goes wrong then you can easily backup your files & database in a single click.
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According to release notes, WP Auctions Plugin V4.5 comes with new features like:
- “Bind to Auction”
- Add a global fee, either percentage or flat rate based
- Fixed small currency bug
- Updated email validation to accept all domain TLD’s
Of the above, the most significant is the Bind to Auction feature. What this does basically is it allows you to bind an auction with the Post/Page the auction is embedded in.
This has been a long requested feature by users who asked to make it easier to form a relation between an auction and a Post/Page.
All these features and many more features make WP Auctions Plugin a must have plugin for creating auctions on your website. So, for what you are thinking off? Update WP Auctions Plugin to latest version as soon as possible and if you do not have your copy of WP Auctions Plugin, then you can get it from here:
WP Auctions Plugin v4.5 – WordPress Auction Plugin
If you have any query let me know via comments!
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