WordPress – most widely used blogging platform and at WebGuide4U I’m trying my level best to make WordPress as much easy as I can. Already I have shared lost of tutorials from Installation to advanced level and still a lot have to come on WordPress. All these tutorials written in form of how-to guides which will help any WordPress user to get started with WordPress and if you need any personal help you can get in touch using Free WordPress Installation Service.
Images play an important part in any post and in this post I’m sharing how to add images in WordPress in simple easy to follow guide.
Step1: Log-in into wp-admin panel, go to “Media” and click on “Add New” as shown below:
Step2: When you click on “Add New” (step1), it open a new window (shown below). Now you can use any way to upload images on your blog, either “Flash Uploader” or “Browser UPloader”.
Step3: After selecting media uploader (i.e., image uploader) (I’m using “Browser Uploader”), you see a window (shown below). Now, click on “Browse” button to browse images locally stored in your PC.
Step4: When you click on “Browse” button, it open a pop-up screen (shown below – image1), where you have to select the images stored in your PC. Select required image and click on it.
Step5: After selecting an image, you will see something like this (shown below) and now click on “Upload” button to upload the image.
Step6: When you click on “Upload” button (step5), a new window open (shown below), which show that selected image has been successfully uploaded on WordPress blog.
That’s it isn’t it so easy to upload images on WordPress blog. If you have any query or question do let me know in comment section or you can get in touch using Free WordPress Installation Service also.
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