A new version of Coupon Code plugin is released – Coupon Code Elite V3.0 and it is available for download in members area or you can update it from WordPress admin panel. It is recommended to all users that they must update Coupon Code Elite plugin to latest version as it comes with new features. Before updating Coupon Code Elite plugin to latest version make sure that you backup your files and database as if something goes wrong then you can easily backup your files & database in a single click.
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Below you can find the number of changes made in the latest version of Coupon Code Elite plugin:
Coupon Code Elite v3.0 – What’s New?
Valid From and Expiry Date for all coupons (optional)
Each coupon can now have a “Valid From” and “Expiry” Date. When you add a coupon to a post, page or widget before the “valid from” date, the coupon will only display once the coupon becomes valid by passing into the period of validity. The same happens when a coupon expires, it is removed from the post, page or widget. This allows you to add coupons before they are active and the coupon will automatically become active without you having to do anything.
All dates use the WordPress settings so that the dates are in the same format as your WordPress site. This means that whatever date format you use for WordPress, will be the same date format that you use for your coupons.
If you do not enter a “valid from” date, the coupon will go live as soon as you add it to a post or page. If you do not enter an “expiry” date, the coupon will never expire and will remain on the post or page until you remove it.
Full Coupon Style Customization
You can now choose from 16,777,216 different colours (yes, more than 16.5 Million) for the background, border and text colour of your coupon codes. You can create coupon codes that stand out from your website or fall in line with your existing website design colours. You can also add an icon to your coupon code style.
Hide Coupon Code (optional)
Some companies provide coupon codes that are very easy to remember and this means that they can be memorized by users, reducing the clicks that you receive. Some of our customers requested that we add a feature that will hide the coupon codes so that they can not be viewed by users. The user would have to click on the coupon code and be taken to the affiliate link before they can paste the coupon code and view it.
Feedback Poll (optional)
Sometimes companies will expire coupons before they are due to naturally expire, or they will not have an expiry but will be pulled from use by the company. How do you know what coupons are working and what coupons are failing? With our new Feedback Poll, users can see how many other users the coupon worked and failed for (shown below).
Using this information, you can then see which coupons are being reported as broken, check the coupons and remove them if they are no longer working. This saves you a lot of time and helps keep users faithful to your site as you will have less coupon codes that do not work.
Recently, there have been a number of cases where sites were attacked and code injected, the biggest of which was TimThumb. This is a huge issue and something that we and all our customers want to avoid at all costs. As such, we have decided to encrypt Coupon Code Elite so that it is absolutely impossible for any would be hackers to inject code into Coupon Code Elite. If the encryption causes any issues or your hosting account is not correctly configured for encryption, our support team will help you for free. They will even alter your hosting account encryption settings for you if needed.
We have implemented a licensing system for Coupon Code Elite. This is for two reasons. Firstly, it secures your copy of Coupon Code Elite and secondly it helps us identify illegal copies and have them removed. Over the past month, we have been contacting share sites and requesting illegal copies are taken down. This is very time consuming and expensive. As such, by implementing a licensing system, we are ensuring that illegal copies of Coupon Code Elite do not exist and can not be illegally shared.
All existing customers have been issued with a license key (found in welcome email entitled “Coupon Code Elite”) which you will need to enter when you activate or upload Coupon Code Elite.
When you enter your license key, it will then lock the license key to your copy of Coupon Code Elite. You can release your license at any time by visiting your purchase within our client area and clicking on the release license button. We will add a full guide for this as soon as it has been released.
If you do not know your license key and can not find the email we sent you, please contact our technical support team who will be more than happy to resend your license key.
So, for what you are thinking off? Update Coupon Code Plugin to latest version as soon as possible and if you do not have Coupon Code Plugin, then get it right now:
If you have any query let me know via comments!
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