A new version of Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On is released – Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On V1.5. The new version comes with new features and fixing a few bugs. It is recommended to all users that they must update Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On to the latest version as soon as possible. Before updating Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On to the latest version make sure that you backup your website/blog so that if something goes wrong then you can easily backup your website/blog in a single click.
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The new version of Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On introduces the ability to update existing users as well as automated and manual user activation. In addition to this, it integrates with WordPress Multi-Site and BuddyPress, which are both constantly evolving. Below you can find the number of changes made in this new version:
Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On V1.5 – What’s New?
- Added support for updating users with “Update” feed type.
- Added support for user activation in both Multi-Site and non-Multi-Site installs.
- Added support for manual user activation.
- Added Pending Activations area to User Registration feed admin.
- Added support for custom registration page for multi-site installs.
- Added pending activation link to entry detail page.
- Added support for multiple feeds per form.
- Added new conditional logic options (greater than, less than, contains, starts with, ends with) and support for other conditional fields.
- Added support for specifying user activation type (manual, by email).
- Added support for saving processed config in entry meta and retrieving this from get_active_config() function.
- Added support for list fields for update feeds.
- Added “gform_disable_registration” hook to allow add-ons to prevent User Registration from registering/updating a user.
- Added support for displaying all user meta keys in feed meta key drop downs.
- Updated roles drop down on feed page to order by a custom sort (subscriber first).
- Refactored form population for update feeds.
- Fixed link location for drop down on Pending Activations page which takes user to view All pending or form-specific pending.
- Fixed issue where All pending activations was returning no records.
- Fixed issue where usernames with spaces were not displaying in pending activation table.
- Fixed issue where update_user() function was not correctly saving the user’s email.
- Fixed errors when populating an update fields with values containing single quotes.
- Fixed issue when updating user’s website meta on an update feed.
- Fixed issue with mapping category fields to BuddyPress.
- Fixed error on update feed form when Buddy Press is uninstalled.
- Fixed issue with checkboxes not being saved correctly when unchecked from an update feed.
- Fixed issue with date fields not being formatted correctly when populating fields in an update feed.
- Fixed issue with plugin-upgrade.php where failed remote response generated several notices.
- Fixed issue where multiple file upload fields were not be populated correctly (powered by update feed).
- Fixed issue with BP functions bound to gform_user_registered not being bound in the admin as the gform_user_registered hook was not previously fired in the admin (now fires when manually activating a pending activation)..
- Fixed issue where “wp_” prefix was being used instead of “$wpdb->prefix”.
- Fixed issue with date field population for update feeds.
- Fixed issue with hardcoded table prefix.
- Fixed issue with AJAX call when admin is configured to force SSL.
- Fixed issue where Gravity Forms was being required and failing to find plugin.
- Fixed issue where values being populated back into form for update feeds were not escaping single quotes which caused errors.
- Fixed issue where unescaped single quotes were causing issues on feed editor.
- Fixed issue where custom meta fields with 0 as a value weren’t saving to the database.
- Fixed notices when form inputs array doesn’t exist which caused AJAX spinner to remain and no form fields were displayed.
- Fixed compatibility issue with BP 1.6 where BP profile function is no longer available.
- Fixed issue where using wp_get_current_user() function was failing to update users when wait for payment option was checked.
- Fixed issue where “Pending Activations” link displayed in feed actions for Update feeds.
- Fixed issue where “Send Email?” option was displaying for Update feeds.
- Fixed issue where “Preserve current role” option was not preserving user’s role for new feeds.
- Fixed issue were active status was not taken into account when retrieving update feed.
- Fixed issue where new feed options were not displaying immediately.
- Fixed UI to read “Action” instead of “Feed Type”.
- Fixed WordPress debug notices.
So, for what you are thinking off? Update Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On to latest version as soon as possible and if you do not have your copy of Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On then you can get it from here:
Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On v1.5
If you have any query let me know via comments and do not forget to check out Free Blog Setup Service which comes with lots of unlimited & amazing features.
The User Registration Add-On is only available to Developer License owners only so if you do not have Gravity Forms Developer license then get it from here:
Gravity Forms Developer License
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