Finally after a long wait, Headway 3.0 Beta 1 has arrived! As mentioned in previous articles Headway 3.0 is a radical change as compared to Headway 2.0. Here are the number of features which comes with Headway 3.0
Leafs → Blocks
Even though leafs have been an integral part of Headway’s success, we thought it’s time to call them something different. Now, leafs are known as blocks. We hope this will clear up some confusion.
The New Visual Editor
The visual editor is now broken into 2 different modes: Layout and Design. Also, Headway 3.0 brings the brand new layout/page selector.
Layout/Page Selector
Besides the new grid system, the new layout and page selector in Headway 3.0 is extremely powerful.
In Headway 2.0, you had to edit each and every page. Not only was this a pain for the user, it wasn’t efficient. Those leafs had to be stored in the database somehow. Also, you were limited to which pages you could edit. Now, with 3.0, you can edit absolutely any page, single post, custom taxonomy, custom post type, and any other type of page you throw at it!
Another new and great thing about the Layout Selector is that it’s completely hierarchical. You can edit as few pages as you’d like or you can get down and be make finite changes on individual pages.
So, if you have the top-level ‘Single’ layout customized, all layouts under it will inherit upwards and use the ‘Single’ layout. You can also drill down to a layout under ‘Single’ and create a layout for it. All layouts under ‘Single’ will inherit up and use the ‘Single’ layout, but the separate layout you customized will use its own. It’s that simple!
Layout Mode
As soon as you enter the layout mode for the first time, you will see the layout/page selector to the left and a blank grid to the right of that. Please note: Headway 3.0 Beta 1 does not have any default layouts.
To create a block, just click and drag. A popup will appear asking you which block type you would like to assign to the new block.
This new grid system has been written from the ground up and works entirely different than Headway 2.0 and previous versions of Headway.
Known Issues
As mentioned above, it is a beta version, so like every beta version there are number of known issues and are listed below:
- Box shadow and text shadow properties do not work in the Design mode.
- There are a limited number of blocks at this time. We’re working quickly to add more (image rotator, etc).
- Comments do not work under the content block.
- All SEO settings are removed at this time.
- All admin options under Headway » Options are removed for Beta 1
Well its an Beta version and pretty soon the final product is available for use. Remember to grab Headway Themes as early as possible because the prices will increase as soon as Headway 3.0 is released. So for what you are waiting for? Grab it right now:
Sign-Up Link for Headway Themes
This is a beta version only not the final product, so do not use it on live site.
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