This is a Guest Post written by Steven Papas. If you would like to write for WebGuide4U, check out guest posting guidelines here
How do you make your newsletter emails get them clicking on the link and seeing your salespage? They’ve got to draw them in, keep them there, and then get them begging for more by the end. It’s not rocket science, but it takes a little bit of practice to craft those messages so that they get them clicking like crazy.
Before we get into the details of how to do this, there’s one tip that every marketer should take seriously – make your newsletter messages sound personal. Nobody wants a bunch of sales hype coming into their inbox. Your emails should speak directly to them, so they’ve got to have a personal touch.
Now, starting with your subject line, let’s look at some ways to pimp out those newsletter emails and make them work for you.
The Subject Line – Make It Unique
There’s a good chance that the subject is all they’ll see. Then, they’ll decide to either click it on, or delete it. That means that you’ve got to make it count. It should be different from all the other stuff that comes into their inbox.
The subject needs to catch their eye and pull them in. Here are a few simple truisms about human nature that will help you do this:
– People want to find out the hidden secrets that the experts don’t want you to know. Tantalize them with this secret knowledge!
– Words like “success” and “power” resonate strongly. Remember to focus on the desires of your prospects, and put those words into the subject.
– Use adjectives like “unbelievable,” “incredible” and “amazing.” Make some serious claims and convince them that your message is going to back them up.
Write your subject line and then look at it. Would you click on it? If not, scrap it and rewrite!
The Greeting – Make It Personal
For the greeting, always make it use their name. There are services that will do this for you automatically. Never underestimate the psychological effect of seeing your first name used.
If you can’t do this, there are lots of other greetings you can use. Again, appeal to their natural desires. Say something like “Attention Success-Minded Marketers,” or “Hello Profit Seeker.” Make it something that’ll have them saying, “Yes, that’s me!”
The Opening Sentence – Grab Ahold Of Them And Don’t Let Go
The first two lines or so should be focused on grabbing their attention. Make it bold or highlighted. Ask them a question, focus on what’s on their mind. These first two lines or so should lead directly into the first paragraph. It should be a smooth and logical continuation. If you use a question, have the first sentence of the paragraph answer it. Remember that the whole point is that now you’ve got them looking at the message; this first part has to get them seriously reading.
The Body – A Template You Can Use
Here’s a simple template that you can use for your lesson body. Just plug-in your content and you’ll have a great email:
1. The first paragraph. This should be 3 or 4 lines long and no more. Quick and to the point.
2. One sentence followed by bullet points. No more than 5 points.
3. Another paragraph that quickly summarizes the things you mentioned in the bullet points.
4. A link leading to your salespage and the product that they’re dying to buy.
The Call To Action – What Are You Waiting For!?
This last part is very important. We call it the “call to action.” It basically says to the reader, “here’s how you do it… do it now!” You’ve already explained the key benefits, now it’s time to show them how to do it. Your words should move that mouse and click that button. Tell them that they need to act now.
But Wait… There’s More!
Say goodbye to them with a “Best Regards” or “To Your Success,” and sign that with your name.
Then, give them a PS. The reason every message and salespage you see has a PS is because it’s an area of the page where the reader’s eyes are naturally drawn. They always want to see what last-minute thing you have to add to your message. This is where you can make them another offer, and this will make your pitch irresistible. Slap a PSS on there too!
And that’s all to it. This is the proven formula for writing newsletter emails that get them to your salespage just salivating for more. Good luck!
Guest Author
Steven’s new venture is VeryBestSoftware Reviews & Coupons where he gives blogging tips, reviews and discount coupons for the top selling digital products and software, like the Symantec Endpoint Protection Coupon and the Norton 360 savings coupon.
Devesh @ Technshare says
Hey Steve,
You’re sharing some great tips here about Business emails. I like the point about subject line.
Anyways, Thanks for sharing this great post. Have a great day.
Oliver Tausend says
Hi Steve,
thanks for sharing your advice about writing business emails. I would delete any email right away that contains a subject line like “Hello profit seeker” or something similar.
Take care
steven papas says
Thanks Dev. You know, everyday we are stormed with spam and clutter in our mailbox and although in the beginning of the internet era we would take the time to open and read all our e-mals now we don’t do that anymore cause we are so sick of useless messages. That’s why the subject line is your only weapon to win the reader.
steven papas says
that’s what I do, too 🙂
thanks for stopping by
Marcus Baker says
Hi Steve,
I like your point about making business emails as personal as possible. I also think it’s vital to distinguish oneself from all other marketers doing the exact same things. It’s quite easy really…. just do the opposite.
Peter Fuller MBA says
Hey Steven
Excellent tips.
I agree 100%, make it personal.
People know when they are reading cookie cutter emails.
I like what Marcus wrote “just do the opposite”
steven papas says
thansk Peter. Letters have to sound personnal and not a general one-size-fits-all kind of thing.
John Mak says
Excellent tips Steven, the most important thing when you make it personal is to just be yourself – be natural. More or less would have bad effects on the response.
John Mak
steven papas says
Exactly John, that’s how we should be. Also, I recommend a real photo in gravatar.
Heather C Stephens says
AWESOME post! Steve!
These rules could be used for business emails, blog posts, and forum messages as well. The suggestions you gave for the headlines are fantastic and I totally agree that people want to read something real, not commercial. Being yourself in your emails and all your writing will naturally attract people who are like you as well! 🙂
Great job!