Having a Good and Best domain is an essential step in starting your online business and to help you out in choosing the best domain name I have already outlined the excellent tools to help you out in choosing the domain names. Apart from domain name one of the important features will you have to look forward is where you will host your domain, i.e. you will need a right web host to host this domain name. There are many hosting providers out there and you will have to choose the better one which suits your needs and requirements.
Some of the questions which you have to ask from yourself before opting for any Web Host?
- How could you choose the better web host from the plethora of web hosts available today?
- Does the money back guarantee?
- Will you have full control of your account?
- The reliability of the hosting infrastructure?
- Pricing of the hosting plan?
- Hosting features such as disk space, bandwidth, server-side functionalities, e-Commerce ready, other free extra services such as free web design templates, Internet marketing, and promotion?
- A number of hosting awards and honors?
- Customer Support 24*7?
- A number of hosting customers?
- The levels of customer satisfaction (testimonials)?
Choosing the right web host is one of the essential tasks because all of the hard work you have done will not be wasted by choosing the wrong host. This article will aim at providing noteworthy tips in choosing a better web host as already I have outlined some of the tips on choosing a domain name now its time for tips on choosing the web host.
So some of the handy tips are as follows:
- Always go for the maximum Disk Space (web space)
- FTP Access will be available
- The degree of Reliability, Security, and Speed of access will be there.
- Dependence and Support (24*7), it is one of the most important aspects you have to look for.
- Pricing Plans should fit your pocket
- Data Transfer (Bandwidth) depends on you. I recommend you to go for unlimited bandwidth.
- Unlimited Email Addresses facility
These are some of the tips which you have to look for before choosing the best web host. Well, we recommend some of the web hosts so that you may get some help from our side:
WebGuide4U Recommended Web Host
Hosts over 2 million domains and is known as one of the reputed web hosts in the industry.
A unique feature of Dreamhost is that customer can cancel their services anytime with an addition that they also provide free trial for those who want to test their services.
Another reliable web hosting company and has proven it’s worth to the users and is one of the legit competitors of Hostgator
One of the reliable web hosting company on the web that has earned a good reputation on the web.
You can also check out the best WordPress Hosting Providers here
These are some of the recommended web hosts from our side. Do let us know your recommended hosts in the comments section?