Catalyst is an SEO Optimized WordPress Theme which comes with lots of unlimited amazing features and that too with lifetime free updates. Latest version of Catalyst Theme is rolled out few days and you can download this from here or others can purchase it from here. Catalyst 1.4.2 is mostly filled with refinements and few bugs have been fixed. It is recommended to all users to update Catalyst Theme to latest version as soon as possible. In addition to this, with the new Comments Function in place there is one minor style change that may need to be made for those not running the Dynamik Child Theme. Below you can see the number of changes have been made to this latest version:
What Changed?
- Rebuilt the Catalyst Comment form functions to use the WordPress comment_form() function. This allows for greater WordPress Plugin compatibility, among other things. Please reference *note below regarding a minor tweak that may be necessary for those not using the Dynamik Child Theme.
- Refined a few functions to help ensure that accidental blank values in Dynamik do not occur. Certain Dynamik Options, for example, should always have a value of some kind. In some cases such values might get deleted (either by glitch or by user error). In such cases these values will now automatically be given their default values, ensuring greater reliability.
- Added info to the Home Slider [?]Tooltip in Dynamik to include information about the Nivo Slider.
- Changed the Dynamik Options #Custom button’s highlight color to a darker tone of gray (before it was a very light green color) to make them more visible.
- Fixed a bug where the Catalyst Custom stylesheet wasn’t always calling to its correct ID’d version when running in a WordPress Multi-User setup.
It is recommended to update Catalyst to latest version as soon as possible and remember to back it up using BackupBuddy. If you have purchase your copy of Catalyst Theme, then get it right now:
Sign-Up Link for Catalyst Theme
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