Catalyst WordPress Theme – one of the most popular WordPress Theme which comes with lots of features and offer you complete control over your WordPress powered site. Already, I have shared
How to Install Catalyst WordPress Theme from WordPress Dashoard
How to Install Google Analytics tracking Code in Catalyst WordPress Theme
How to Add Infolinks Ad Code in Catalyst WordPress Theme
All these guide help you to get started with Catalyst WordPress Theme. If you have not get your copy of Catalyst WordPress Theme, then get it now:
Sign-Up Link for Catalyst WordPress Theme
Catalyst WordPress Theme recently released new version of Catalyst WordPress Theme which comes with lot of awesome features. Those who are facing problem in updating Catalyst WordPress Theme to latest version, here is a quick guide for them:
Step1: When you log-in wp-admin you will see a message appearing (shown below), click on “Update Now”.
Step2: When you click on “Update Now”, it display a message (shown below) and click on “OK”.
Step3: As soon as you click on “OK’ (in step2), you see a new screen (shown below). Now click on “Click here to complete your Catalyst Update”.
Step4: When you click on “Click here to complete your Catalyst Update” (in step3), you see a confirmation as shown below:
Congratulations you have successfully update Catalyst WordPress Theme to latest version. If you have any query do let me know in comment section or get in touch using Free WordPress Installation Service