These days most users surf the internet on mobile and smartphones offer them lots of applications to browse the internet easily. Its time to wake-up and optimize a WordPress blog for mobile users also.
Yesterday, I was looking into Google Analytics and found that most users browsing WebGuide4U by using iPhone, so it becomes a need for me to install this plugin, not to lose those valuable readers.
WPtouch WordPress Plugin makes your blog iPhone compatible and have no issues with any WordPress plugin. WpTouch latest version is compatible with all version of iPhone and it supports following touch screen phones and devices:
- Android
- bada
- blackberry 9800
- blackberry9500
- blackberry9520
- blackberry9530
- blackberry9550
- dream
- iPhone
- iPod
- incognito
- s8000
- webOS
- webmate
This plugin comes with lots of customizations and features, you can also put your AdSense ID on this plugin.
Do let me know, have you optimized your blog for iPhone or not in comment section. If you have any query do let me know by using contact us page.
Oliver Tausend says
Hi Vivek,
awesome advice. I installed this plugin right away and it works, thank you for that. I have one question: The DiggDigg icons cover a part of the posts. I was wondering if you have an idea how to fix that.
Take care
Fabrizio Van Marciano says
Great insight Vivek will look into it myself, thanks for sharing.
Vivek Parmar says
@Fabrizio, glad you like it.
Vivek Parmar says
Hello Oliver Thanks for stopping by and commenting here.
WpTouch plugin works great. As you have said Digg-Digg icons cover past of posts do you let me know, its on my blog or on your site?? Yep i know how to fix them. Let me know on which blog this problem comes.
Oliver Tausend says
Hi Vivek,
thanks for expanding on this. They DiggDigg-icons cover a portion of the posts of my own blog when viewing them on my iPhone through this plugin.
Take care
Vivek Parmar says
Thanks for replying, well go to digg-digg and check out the ajax folating option and then go to scrolling (on the same page) and try to change the value accordingly so that you posts will not hide by digg-digg icons. If still the problem persists do let me know
Dan Reed says
Hi Vivek,
Yes, I had already installed WPTouch for my own blog, however, since I do not have one of the IPhones, I don’t know how it looks. I just did it to try and reach others that do use it regularly.
When I installed it, I know that I needed to change the dimensions to make sure it is compatible, but I was not able to because I use EDegree WP Theme.
You probably don’t know much about that theme, but any suggestions?
Vivek Parmar says
Got you problem, one thing i like to know that are you using wp-super cache plugin? If yes do let me know because this plugin has issues with wp-super cache. As far as i know i do not need to change anything except the agents in wp-super cache.
If you still have any questions do let me know so that i can solve your problem
Dan Reed says
No, I do not use super cache, although I do use css compress
Vivek Parmar says
Thanks Dan for the quick reply. Well have lo look into this. Will you mail me the login-details (with admin privileges) by using contact form. So that i can fix this issue for you.
Entrepreneur says
I don’t know about that plugin but now i am going to use that plugin for my blog
Entrepreneur says
Hey Mr. Vivek When your starting the posting articles in my blog..?
Vivek Parmar says
Sorry Enterpreneur, Did not have enough time to guest post. Would be great if you write on WebGuide4U and get free traffic from here.
Vivek Parmar says
It is an important plugin and comes handy when you have lots of mobile phone users.