We all that how important is web hosting after having a good domain name and having a good web host will be the first priority. I have already outlined the tips on choosing the best domain name and best web host which will be useful for you before going to decide or switch over to new web host.
Continuing in the same series of post in this article I will talk about Shared Hosting because people who are new to websites and hosting will find it little bit confusing and will not able to configure out the difference between shared web hosting, VPS and Dedicated servers. Will come out with separate articles on VPS and Dedicated Servers in the coming days but this time is for Shared Web Hosting.
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Firstly I want to ask one question from all of them what do you mean by Shared Hosting?
Well according to me “Shared Hosting is a system whose resources are being shared by multiple web sites on the same server, same location and on the same ip address”.
Shared Hosting is one of the most popular web hosting plan among bloggers and webmasters because it permits to host more than one web site on the same server and it is fruitful for small websites/new wordpress blogs and also for static websites. Shared hosting normally provides you a web-based control panel system, such as cPanel, Direct Admin, and includes some of the features like file manager, email accounts, webmail, email forwarding and autoresponders, FTP access, password-protected directories, database and much more.
For any new blogger or webmaster I will suggest for shared webhosting because it is good and reliable hosting, which takes cares of your initial web presence and bandwidth needs and most important it is economical which means it doesn’t cost you too much.
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Well Shared Web hosting has its own advantages and disadvantages which are being discussed below one by one:
Advantages of Shared Web Hosting
- Cheap and affordable
- Convenience and good for small sites
- Fast Setup and easily customizable
- Extremely Good Support and Maintenance.
- Includes features such as ASP, PHP, MySQL, large bandwidth and multiple e-mail address capability.
- Shared hosting is very cheap in comparison to other hosting plans like Dedicated or VPS.
- You don’t required high technical capabilities to maintenance the server, each account have a very simple, user friendly admin control panel, where users can easily manage their domains, scripts or databases.
Disadvantages of Shared Hosting
- Low Security Level
- Non-dedicated IP
- Resource limitation – everybody uses the same memory, CPU and Hard drive
- System Crashes or Server Overload Issues.
- Performance Issues
- Risk of Cross Contamination
- When any user website is draining lots of resources, hosting company tends to suspend such account in order to preserve other websites.
- One of the disadvantages of Shared hosting is the lack responsibility of the hosting provider that wants to get higher profit neglecting the server capacity and squeeze as many users they can on the same server. This will turn into a big chaos.
- Other disadvantage is that it is not under the customer control, because they will never know what other sites are doing on their shared server, if the server was undergone to an attack or the IP of the server was blacklisted because of other websites.
As I have sighted out the advantages and disadvantages of the shared hosting which will help you out in choosing the good web host and if you are thinking to buy a shared web hosting you should make a search to get the perfect shared hosting for your website, or you can choose from our top listed hosting companies.
WebGuide4U Recommended Web Hosts
Another reliable web hosting company and has proven it’s worth to the users and is one of the legit competitor of Hostgator
Unique feature of dreamhost is that customer can cancel their services anytime with an addition that they also provide free tial for those who want to test their services.
Hosts over 2 million domains and is known as one of the reputed web host in the industry.
One of the reliable web hosting company on the web that has earned a good reputation on the web.
In the meanwhile do let us know your thoughts on shared webhosting and if I have missed any of the important aspect then let us know in the comments section?